We're a digital solutions business made up by tech misfits, creatives and curious humans

From design through to code, we delight in finding simple solutions to complex challenges. And by collaborating with our clients to form rewarding relationships. This process is further fuelled by our integrated approach to strategy, design and development.

Not in a rush? Here’s a bit who we are.

What we do

Our team build bold brands

Digital Media

Seamless integration across all digital media channels with advanced targeting.


From concept to execution, we create digital campaigns from scratch and show.


We use the latest technology and we never stop learning usability and that's...


From concept to execution, we create digital campaigns from scratch and show you.

Fetured Work

Our mission is to deliver remarkable experiences

  • All
  • UI/UX
  • Branding
  • Development
  • Photography

What clients say about us

We live in the space where design and technology meet. This allows us to take our creativity to new levels and deliver amazing.


Our friends who love to work with us

Meet the team

People of behind work

Andrew rover

CEO, Genox


Andrew rover

CEO, Genox

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Marina Bedi

Developer, Genox


Marina Bedi

Developer, Genox

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Ajax Holder

Head of Research, Genox


Ajax Holder

Head of Research, Genox

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Maria Diana

Product Developer, Genox


Maria Diana

Product Developer, Genox

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Work With Us

This could be the beginning of something great!

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