A powerful admin template for ICO Dashboard with all kind of components, features, pre-build pages such as Purchase Tokens, Profile, KYC Form, KYC Lists, User Lists, Transaction Lists, Login, Registration and many more.
Caution: This is bootstrap base html template and not functional system.
Are you looking for Functional System for your ICO token sale? Click HereIn TokenWiz template included all the necessary pages that require in your project. Your can see demo those pagesPages listed below.
In TokenWiz template included all the necessary elements need to make your own pages or components.
TokenWiz scales and fits for all devices. Pleasing your users no matter the screen.
TokenWiz is based on most popular CSS framework bootstrap 4 latest.
It's included pre-build pages such as purchase token, user list, kyc application and list etc.
We used FontAwesome and themify for font based icons, for unlimited scale ablility.
Our code is as clean as posible by professional developers for every developers.
Everything in our package is easily customizable, you can edit, add, or remove anything.
We wrote an extencive doc to make your life easy, on the way your work process.
Our experts will help you with anything you need help to work with our template.
ICO admin is made keep quality in mind, We worked on every element to make it better.
Need more features to complete your project? Or you want to hire our expert designers and developers for your customization. Fill in the details and let's get in touch.
TokenWiz is HTML Admin template which is specially design for ICO User Dashboard. You can purchase the template for build your ICO backend application.
Purchase Regular License OR* For Support, please email us info(at)softnio.com or contact via our website.
© 2018, Copyright TokenWiz. Template Design and Made by Softnio