What is ICo Crypto
We’ve built a platform
to buy and sell shares.
ICO Crypto is a platform for the future of funding that powering dat for the new equity blockchain.
While existing solutions offer to solve just one problem at a time, our team is up to build a secure, useful, & easy-to-use product based on private blockchain. It will include easy cryptocurrency payments integration, and even a digital arbitration system.
At the end, Our aims to integrate all companies, employees, and business assets into a unified blockchain ecosystem, which will make business truly efficient, transparent, and reliable.
Why ICO Crypto
Competitive Advantage
With help from our teams, contributors and investors these are the milestones we are looking forward to achieve.
Blockchain Infrastructure
Integrates blockchain technology to provide unique identities for each node.
Easy Token Integration
Every node has its own token. You can earn tokens by doing work.
Global System and Secure
An efficient global system covering all corners, provides best data security.
Pre-Sale & Values
ICO Crypto token will be released on the basis of Ethereum and Bitocin platform. It’s compatibility of the token with third-party services wallets, exchanges etc, and provides easy-to-use integration.
Feb 8, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)
Number of tokens for sale
900,000 ICC (9%)
Feb 20, 2018 (11:00AM GMT)
Tokens exchange rate
1 ETH = 650 ICC, 1 BTC = 1940 ICC
Acceptable currencies
Minimal transaction amount
1 ETH/ 1 BTC/ 1 LTC
Initial Token Distribution

Sale Proceed Allocation

The Timeline
With help from our teams, contributors and investors these are the milestones we are looking forward to achieve.
Start of the ICO Crypto Platform Development
Start of the Preparation for the ICO Token Sale
ICO Platform Launched with full solutions
Partnership for the future EcoSystem
ICO Wallet full version release
The firest product ready to goes live to all business
Start of the ICO Crypto Platform Development.
Start of the Preparation for the ICO Token Sale
ICO Apps
Once you’ve entered into our ecosystem, you can mange every thing. Anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can participate in global marketplace.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerc itation ullamco laboris nisi commodo consequat.
- Crypto-news curation
- Natural Language Understanding
- Wallet aggregation
- Professional Network
- No more expensive fees

Our Team
The Leadership Team
The ICO Crypto Team combines a passion for esports, industry experise & proven record in finance, development, marketing & licensing

Waylon Dalton
CEO & Lead Blockchain
He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.
Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Jonathan Rios
CTO & Software Engineer
He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.
Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Jason Morales
Sr.Backend developer
He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.
Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Joseph Jordan
Software Engineer
He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.
Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.
The Advisory board

Louis Baker
CEO & Lead Blockchain
He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.
Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Jonathan Rios
CTO & Software Engineer
He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.
Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Jason Morales
Sr.Backend developer
He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.
Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below we’ve provided a bit of ICO, ICO Token, cryptocurrencies, and few others. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the contact form below.
What is ICO Crypto?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
What cryptocurrencies can I use to purchase?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
How can I participate in the ICO Token sale?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
How do I benefit from the ICO Token?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Which of us ever undertakes laborious?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Who do not know how to pursue rationally?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Their separate existence is a myth?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Pityful a rethoric question ran over her cheek?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
When she reached the first hills?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Big Oxmox advised her not to do?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Vokalia and Consonantia, there live?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
When she reached the first hills?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Big Oxmox advised her not to do?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Vokalia and Consonantia, there live?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
When she reached the first hills?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Big Oxmox advised her not to do?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Vokalia and Consonantia, there live?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.
Get In Touch
Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.
- +44 0123 4567
- info@company.com
- Join us on Telegram